Financial Solutions

Financing solutions

Flexible liquidity solutions for your life projects

At some point, most of us need extra financing for short or medium-term needs. Maybe you're looking into a new business venture, thinking about your next property, or eyeing on a new investment opportunity.

Whatever your plans are, consider utilizing Lombard credit solutions. It helps keep interest costs low by using your existing portfolio as collateral, giving you a flexible and cost-effective solution to achieve your goals.

Why choose UBS for Lombard financing

With extensive experience in offering flexible financing solutions to our German clients, we're confident in our ability to tailor lending terms that suit your needs best. Our Lombard loan rates are among the most competitive in the market, and you'll only pay interest on what you borrow. We also ensure full transparency upfront, so there are no hidden costs when you secure financing with us.

Our Lombard lending solutions

Choose from our three options of convenient, cost-effective financing services that best suit your needs:

Variable loan facility
Draw on this cash reserve as needed, and rest assured that you'll only pay interest on the amount of credit you've used.
Fixed term advance
Take out a loan with a set amount for a specified period, with the interest rate fixed for up to 24 months.
Bank guarantee
Obtain an agreement that provides assurance to a selected third party in case you fail to meet the stated conditions.

Disclaimer: Securing your borrowing against eligible investments in your portfolio means your interest charges may be significantly lower than with unsecured forms of borrowing. Collateral that we generally consider includes (but is not limited to) equities traded on major global stock markets, investment funds, corporate and government bonds and UBS cash deposits.

Your UBS Lombard credit benefits

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Keep your existing assets and be flexible

Avoid the need to sell any of your current portfolio while enjoying straightforward access to funds.

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Tailor your borrowing in multiple currencies

We'll tailor your loan amount, currency, and timeframe according to your needs. Our credit options are also available in all major currencies to match your needs.

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Pay interest only on what you borrow

Interest will be calculated on your daily loan balance and charged either every three months or six months, as agreed. You also have the option to capitalize your interest if eligible, meaning you may be able to add it to the loan amount.

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Enjoy full transparency

All costs associated with your loans are clearly defined up front so you know exactly where you stand.

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The price and value of investments and income derived from them can go down as well as up. You may not get back the amount originally invested.

UBS does not provide tax or legal advice. You should consult your independent tax/legal advisor for specific advice before entering into or refraining from entering into any services or investments.

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