Sandra Huber-Schütz
Sandra Huber-Schütz, Head of Women’s Wealth UBS WM Switzerland

Many women are reluctant to address their long-term financial planning. How would you like to change that?

For women in particular, long-term financial issues such as retirement planning are very important. Unfortunately, however, very few women actively address such topics, and usually delegate this task to their partner. This is often because they believe that men are more familiar with the subject, or because they consider it to be rather boring anyway. And yet most women have to deal with long-term financial issues at some point in their lives – whether it is because they are buying a house, getting divorced, or because women live longer than men on average.

That’s why we want to encourage women to take their finances into their own hands and, with the Women’s Wealth Academy, are providing a digital platform where we can make valuable information and tools available on various financial topics. It is important that we make sure the content is structured in a practical way and that it comes in an attractive format.

Does this mean that “financial literacy” is the key to getting women involved in long-term financial issues?

Absolutely, yes. We hear time and time again that after specialist events – about pension planning, for instance – women sit down with their partner and together gain a clear picture of their own situation. Transparency is the first step towards taking appropriate measures to tailor long-term financial planning perfectly to their personal needs. This ensures that there are no financial surprises in store in the future.

Transparency is the first step towards taking appropriate measures to tailor long-term financial planning perfectly to their personal needs.

But often women say “The subject is important to me, but I don’t have time to look into it” – what do you say to that?

We are all very busy in our daily lives, but the time put in is well invested. Sometimes it takes an incentive to spur people into action. This is why we have created learning paths that are available on a subscription basis at our Women’s Wealth Academy. Subscribers receive six modules with practical advice and interesting background information based on topics that affect us at different stages of life – the modules are sent directly via email in a structured way. The time it takes to work through each module is manageable, and I think the content provides good input that you can use for yourself.

What can I expect from the Women’s Wealth Academy? How do I find my way around?

The contents, for instance articles or tips, are structured according to topics, such as family, assets or pension planning. This gives you a rapid overview. In addition, we highlight key issues that concern different stages of life – because certain events require you to rethink your financial situation. What does it mean if I take a job abroad? What effects does a change in the interest rate situation have on my mortgage? Do I have dreams that I want to realize in retirement? At the Academy we offer assistance on these issues.

Will the Academy continue to develop?

Absolutely, I believe that is crucial. Financial topics are undergoing constant change. That’s why regular new articles, including contributions from specialists, and additional learning paths, promise to be worth reading in the future. Thanks to the “Updates” button, you can also have news sent to you directly via email to help keep you up to date.

What is your own personal goal with the Academy?

As I mentioned before, it is a great personal concern of mine that women should increasingly address their long-term finances. At the Women’s Wealth Academy, we offer a range of useful content that will hopefully encourage women to take a more active role in managing their own finances. To achieve this would give me enormous pleasure.

Do you already have some initial feedback?

Yes, even though we have hardly advertised it at all yet. We have tested the Academy on our own employees. And many of them have shared the contents with their friends and family. We have received a great deal of positive feedback from women who have come to the Women’s Wealth Academy from outside. Of course we are very pleased about this and it confirms that we are on the right track.

Sandra Huber-Schütz

Sandra Huber-Schütz

Sandra Huber-Schütz heads the Personnel Financial Affairs department and is a member of the Management Committee Wealth Management Switzerland. She is also responsible for Women’s Wealth within Wealth Management Switzerland. Sandra Huber-Schütz studied business administration and has worked for UBS for over 20 years.

Women’s Wealth Academy

Women who participate actively in financial decisions increase their chances of financial security and worry less about their future.

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