In 7 out of 10 couples, the man takes over
If women leave long-term financial decisions to their partner, they are exposed to risks.

In Switzerland, seven out of ten women do not participate in long-term financial decisions – but leave them to their partners. This is shown by the UBS Investor Watch study. While men often take responsibility for long-term financial decisions, women tend to deal with short-term finances, such as managing daily expenses or paying bills.

Women should always participate in financial decisions

What appears at first glance to be a pragmatic division of tasks involves risks: women in Switzerland live around four years longer than men. This not only means that they have specific requirements in terms of retirement planning, but also often leads to financial problems after a divorce or the death of the spouse. This makes it all the more important for women to get involved in long-term financial decisions at an early stage.

Women's Wealth Academy

Women who participate actively in financial decisions early on increase their chances of financial security and worry less about their future.

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