Terminating an account or banking relationship

You will find instructions on this page

We’re sorry to hear you want to terminate your account or banking relationship. In this context, we are also referring to liquidating it or closing it. If there’s anything we can do or improve for you, please reach out to us - in person or by phone.

To ensure fast processing please have the following at hand:

    • Number of the account or banking relationship that you wish to terminate
    • Payee: Name and address of the person to whom we should transfer your balance
    • Banking information: IBAN, currency and name of payee’s bank
    • The date on which you wish to terminate your account or banking relationship (immediately or at a later date)
    • A phone number that we can use to reach you for follow-up questions

    Tip: Instead of terminating your account, you can also find an account that’s a better fit for you. Click here to see our range of accounts.

    Here’s how you can terminate your account or banking relationship

    On your smartphone

    1. Log in to the Mobile Banking App

    2. On the home screen, open your inbox by choosing the message icon in the top-right corner

    3. Choose UBS Mailbox and then New Message

    4. As the Subject, please write “Terminating my account or banking relationship”

    5. In the Message we need the following information from you:

    • Number of the account or banking relationship that you wish to terminate
    • Payee: Name and address of the person to whom we should transfer your balance
    • Banking information: IBAN, currency and name of payee’s bank
    • The date on which you wish to terminate your account or banking relationship (immediately or at a later date)
    • A phone number that we can use to reach you for follow-up questions
    • Tell us if you would like to keep your credit card

    6. Finally, choose Send

    Your message is on its way to us. We’ll be in touch soon.

    On your computer

    1. Log in to E-Banking

    2. Choose Mailbox and then Message to client advisor

    3. As the Subject, please write “Terminating my account or banking relationship”

    4. In the Message we need the following information from you:

    • Number of the account or banking relationship that you wish to terminate
    • Payee: Name and address of the person to whom we should transfer your balance
    • Banking information: IBAN, currency and name of payee’s bank
    • The date on which you wish to terminate your account or banking relationship (immediately or at a later date)
    • A phone number that we can use to reach you for follow-up questions
    • Tell us if you would like to keep your credit card

    5. Finally, choose Send

    Your message is on its way to us. We’ll be in touch soon.

    By letter

    If you want to terminate your account or banking relationship by sending us a letter, we need the following details from you:

    • Number of the account or banking relationship that you wish to terminate
    • Payee: Name and address of the person to whom we should transfer your balance
    • Banking information: IBAN, currency and name of payee’s bank
    • The date on which you wish to terminate your account or banking relationship (immediately or at a later date)
    • A phone number that we can use to reach you for follow-up questions
    • Tell us if you would like to keep your credit card

    Please send a hand-signed letter to:

    UBS Switzerland AG
    P.O. Box
    8098 Zurich

    At a UBS branch

    You can stop by one of our branches to terminate your account or banking relationship. Please bring the following information with you:

    • Payee: Name and address of the person to whom we should transfer your balance
    • Banking information: IBAN, currency and name of payee’s bank

    Good to know: Book an appointment under +41 800 002 987, to make sure that our client advisors have time for your request.

    How can I close a joint account?

    You and at least one other person have the rights to the account or banking relationship that you want to terminate.

    The next steps depend on the following:

    What type of relationship applies to your account?
    You can find these details in your account overview in E-Banking and in your account statements.

    “And/Or” relationship

    In this case, follow the steps described in On your smartphone or On your computer.

    “And” relationship

    In this case, all parties involved with the account must separately send the client advisor a message instructing them to terminate the account or banking relationship.

    Important: If you have any outstanding investments, you need to inform the client advisor on whether these should be sold or transferred to a different bank.

    Otherwise, follow the steps described in On your smartphone or On your computer.

    Residential property

    If the residential property is in the name of all parties, the termination process will be a bit more complex. Please book an appointment under +41 800 002 987 and visit us in one of our branches.

    Terminating a rental surety account

    You can terminate a rental surety account yourself. Find out how on this page:

    More help