UBS Access App

Your key to access UBS Digital Banking easily and securely.

You can now log in to UBS Digital Banking with more ease of mind. A personally chosen PIN protects UBS Access App – even if you lose your smartphone. We keep it fully updated in order to offer you optimum protection at all times.

UBS Access App also lets you receive messages about security-related events.

Secure login made easy

  • UBS E-Banking and UBS Mobile Banking login can both be done via the
    same app.
  • The login steps meet UBS’s usual high security standards.
  • Digital banking activation is faster than ever.

Have a question?

Find quick answers to issues and everything you need to know from the most frequently asked questions about UBS Access App.

Experience UBS Digital

Unleash the potential to grow your wealth digitally.

Mobile Banking

Banking at your fingertips

Access App

Login faster

We’re here to help

UBS Digital Banking hotline
Available from Monday - Friday: 7am - 8pm; Saturday: 9am - 5pm