Key takeaways

  • Our research partners believe central banks will use monetary policy to fight the current slowdown
  •  But, with interest rates around the world already low, the impact of monetary stimulus may be limited
  • Given today’s politics, our research partners don’t believe the fiscal stimulus will be strong enough to lift markets much higher in the near term

After a summer of volatility, stocks markets are facing some gridlock. With little clarity on global trade and other growth dynamics, our research partners believe the potential upside for stocks may be limited this year.

What’s driving the sideways-moving markets now? 1) Politics, geopolitics and trade uncertainty 2) Economic data 3) Fed policies

So how do you position your portfolio moving forward? Our research partners recommend staying invested while holding a modestly lower allocation of stocks.

Find out what other strategies you should consider.

Join us for our special UBSHouse View live conversation Thursday, October 3 at 1 p.m. ET.* You’ll hear practical investment advice and portfolio strategies for the current environment.

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Join CIO’s live UBS House View conversation on the first Thursday of every month at 1 p.m. ET (10 a.m. PT).

For more, read the latest UBS House View.

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