Teaser Sammelbecken

Financial Personality Test

If you want to find the right investment strategy, it’s important to assess your risk tolerance correctly. That’s where the UBS Financial Personality Test comes in.

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Order a free brochure now

Successful investment is based on three pillars: analysis, strategy and discipline. Our brochure contains valuable advice on the subject. You can also find out everything you need to know about common psychological investment traps and how to protect yourself against them.

Financial Personality Test

If you want to find the right investment strategy, it’s important to assess your risk tolerance correctly. That’s where the UBS Financial Personality Test comes in.

The fourth industrial revolution has arrived

The fourth industrial revolution has arrived

In the age of "artificial intelligence", access to new technologies provides us with a wide range of investment opportunities.

Make the right decisions

  • Pension or lump sum
  • Consider early retirement
  • Close your gaps in the pension cover
  • Plan your retirement
  • Save on taxes

We can give you active support.