We have identified four challenges focused on how technology can transform the way finance works and how banks can meet their client's needs:
I invite you to participate

UBS wants to be the financial provider of choice for clients who wish to mobilize capital towards the achievement of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and the orderly transition to a low-carbon economy.
- What are solutions to mobilize capital to support the UN Sustainable Development Goals?
- How do we increase ESG awareness and engage clients to achieve and track their impact goals?
- How can banks measure (positive and negative) impacts of investments and aggregate different impacts in a meaningful way?
- How can we support our SME / large corporate on their company ESG profiles and amibitions?
- How can we leverage data to predict changes in ESG scoring?
- How can banks assess their ESG cost (per service/ system) and achieve net zero emissions?
- What solutions help educate the next generation (starting at 6 years) and their parents?

Helping clients invest is the essence of what we do. In today’s world, how we do that is what differentiates us. We’ll reimagine the investing experience in a personalized, relevant, on time and seamless way.
- What are sophisticated wealth planning simulations that integrate more than financial data, creating personalized views?
- What are new data modelling or visualization techniques for client reports?
- How can clients seamlessly shift money to retirement and better imagine their pension situation (e.g., micro-savings)?
- What interactive presentations and collaboration tools can we use in a digital / physical meetings?
- How can we offer investment products on-demand generating tailored trading ideas?
- What solutions allow predictive coding for different investment styles?
- How can we rate bonds with advanced techniques more effectively than big agencies?

Our vision is to convene THE global ecosystem for investing – where thought leadership is impactful, people and ideas are connected, and opportunities are brought to life.
- How can banks deliver a personalized app-store experience, with relevant recommendations? What are new apps to be integrated to our UBS NEO Appstore?
- How can 3rd party and open banking offerings be best embedded into the client touchpoints (healthcare, property, identity, passion related)?
- How can we connect clients with each other to engage on ideas and opportunities?
- What are solutions that allow clients to see, own and re-use their profile and data across service providers?
- How do bank clients get insights to optimize their spending, e.g., subscription management?
- What are Smart Service Desk solutions that offer intelligent, omnichannel, automated UX?

Making technology our differentiator plays a central role in our change and growth journey and will focus our actions across the entire firm. Technology sits at the heart of delivering the client experience, enabling the bank of today and tomorrow. UBS’s first and foremost priority is always to protect the customer.
- What are new emerging tech to run AI faster or better and tools to test algorithms automatically?
- Are there solutions to improve quality and security / integrity of code while programming, speeding up development and testing?
- What are new solutions to protect client identifying data at all times, making use of confidential computing and preventing identity attacks (e.g., homomorphic encryption, chipset level data security)
- How can banks manage and quantify cyber-risks of APIs and open banking applications (e.g., measure auto-evidencing / compliance-proof / testing)?
- What are new tools for IoT data collation, pre-emptive maintenance and physical device security?