Next generation

Wealth and the next generation

"There is no right or wrong when it comes to planning for the next generation" says Nick Tucker, Head of UK Domestic. Watch the full video here.

The question of what wealth is fundamentally for has no single answer, and will be a deeply personal matter for most individuals. We have created a report that brings together eight different case studies, highlighting some of the real challenges and dilemmas faced by different families when it comes to making plans for transferring wealth to the next generation.

Is wealth simply to be enjoyed by the people who have made it? Those with children and grandchildren will usually feel a sense of responsibility to their descendants. Setting them up in life, though, without taking away their drive and incentives for success, is a complicated task.

No two situations are the same, but you may recognise elements of each in your own story.

Download the report

Sarah Allat, Head of Wealth Planning Advisory, discusses the biggest issues when it comes to Wealth Transfer

Mark Goddard, Desk Head, UK Domestic, shares his thoughts on what challenges families face when it comes to Wealth Transfer

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