Liquidity and Cash Management

Expert solutions from dedicated liquidity management specialists

Our expertise

For over 35 years, we have been targeting flexible, high-quality liquidity investment solutions to our clients. Whether high net worth individuals or institutional investors (corporate, government, hedge fund and others), the focus is always the same: deliver solutions that meet a client’s safety, liquidity and yield goals.

At UBS Asset Management, our mission is to enable our clients to achieve their financial objectives and solve their investment challenges while integrating sustainability principles across our offerings.

What sets us apart


Our experienced portfolio management and credit analyst teams provide the expertise and continuity institutional investors seek when entrusting their assets to an investment manager.


Based on our assessments of credit quality, relative value and interest rate trends, we create investment solutions with a goal to maximize returns, while managing risk and adhering to our clients’ investment guidelines.


We work with institutional investors to assess your needs and help to develop a suitable solution, be it one of our mutual funds or a custom separately managed portfolio.

We will work with you to determine the right investment approach to meet your liquidity management needs.

Joseph Abed, Global Head of Liquidity Management Investment Specialists

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