UBS Wealth Way

Financial planning for your life projects

What would you like to accomplish in life? How do you plan on achieving these goals? What worries you most? Talk to us about your goals and challenges, and together we’ll find out what matters most to you – using our UBS Wealth Way consulting approach.

What do clients say about their UBS Wealth Way experience?

My plan is regularly updated and revised taking into consideration the evolution of my needs, my goals and financial circumstances.
My client advisor helped me to discover uncovered issues.
Through deep conversations, we discussed my projects and concerns
Now I feel more at ease with my lifestyle and happy that I can meet my financial needs and goals for me and for my family.

Our consulting approach

The UBS Wealth Way consulting approach is based on three key strategies: liquidity – to provide cash flow for short-term expenses; longevity – for longer-term needs; and legacy – for needs that go beyond your own.

Liquidity: To help provide cash flow for short-term expenses

To maintain your lifestyle

  • Entertainment and travel
  • Taxes
  • Purchasing a home
Longevity: For longer-term needs

To improve your lifestyle

  • Retirement
  • Health care and long-term care expenses
  • Purchasing a second home
Legacy: For needs that go beyond your own

To improve the lives of others

  • Giving to family
  • Philanthropy
  • Wealth transfer over generations

How do you define financial success?

Discover how we can work together to accomplish your goals.

Interested in knowing how to navigate volatile times?