Clarifying sustainability

We use the word sustainable a lot. See how we, at UBS, worked together with clients and stakeholders to define sustainability in 2019.

woman with a book waiting at an airport
Windmills in a forest landscape. Foggy.

Why sustainability?

A brief introduction from Huw van Steenis

View from above of a reservoir with a dam.

Global finance in the era of sustainability

Our world is constantly evolving. So is how we invest in it. We believe the future of finance and sustainability can no longer be separated. Here’s why.

A man in a suit puts his bike off.

Driving the industry shift

More and more countries put ambitious transition strategies in place to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. UBS is on track to meet tough sustainability targets.

An astronomical observatory in the mountains.

Most read research

Our Chief Investment Office (CIO) reports provide in-depth knowledge and expertise regarding markets and economies. These were some of our most downloaded studies from 2019.

A group of schoolchildren who all give a sign to be able to speak.

Making the grade

Want to reduce gender inequality? Educate. Improve quality of life? Educate. Increase financial independence? Educate. Seeing a trend? So do we.

A group of girls with signs: Girls take Wall Street

Girls take finance

In 2019, we met many milestones and continued to demonstrate the strength of our diversified business model. Here are our events.

A man and a girl in the Museum

At the forefront of creative thinking

We’re passionate about contemporary art because it embodies the spirit we stand for – questioning the status quo.

Man in a greenhouse

Switzerland, a country of start-ups and entrepreneurs

Nearly 45,000 new companies were founded in Switzerland in 2019. In this record-breaking year, our UBS Start Business package of tailor-made services for young companies got off to a successful start.

Number 2019 made of small digits

2019 in review

In 2019, we met many milestones and continued to demonstrate the strength of our diversified business model. Here are our events.

Man and woman looking at sheet of paper.

Long-term value we create for our stakeholders

As one of the world’s largest wealth managers, we see ourselves in a powerful position to take a leading role in shaping a positive future – for all our stakeholders and the generations to come.

Illustration of a tree with two birds on branches.

UBS in Society

Learn how we’re driving change that matters.