Portrait of Chris from HR, London

Chris, on how he succedded in his Internship

Back in the summer of 2014, I was at the beginning of my career. I chose to start as an intern in Human Resources at UBS. Coming from a non-banking background, I was worried about navigating the world of finance. But once I started, I found that there was no need for concern. The nine-week internship was exciting, motivating, and challenging. I was able to add tangible value to my team and to UBS. That's why I want to share with you a few tips to increase your chances of a successful internship. The very best of luck!

  1. You are here to learn. Your colleagues want you to succeed. You are the company's future leaders and experts. The internship is an opportunity for you to show how great you are, not a program designed to find your weaknesses.
  2. Remember that everyone has been where you are. Everyone has been new at some point. We all know how it feels to be the new kid on the block. Give it time and you will gain the necessary skills and knowledge to build a successful career.
  3. Ask questions. It's natural and expected that you'll have plenty of questions when you start a new job. The key is learning to recognize what questions to ask, and when to ask them. Think about whether you could find out the answer, do some digging on your own. Make sure your question is being directed to the right person. Once you get an answer, take note so you don't have to ask again. Show you are learning and can be independent.
  4. It's only human to make mistakes. A person who never made a mistake has never made anything. Mistakes are only human, so don't beat yourself up if it happens. The important thing is to take responsibility and learn from them, assess how and what went wrong and take steps to avoid it happening again.
  5. Get to know your colleagues. Networking is a word you'll hear a lot during your internship, but it really is important. Get to know your fellow interns and colleagues. There is a wealth of knowledge and advice that you can draw upon from your teammates and colleagues. Be respectful of people's time and be prepared before going for that coffee.
  6. Have confidence in your own ability. Because we do. You have been through an extremely competitive selection process and have displayed all the necessary qualities and skills needed to work here. So don’t doubt yourself!

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