Sabbatical: Finanzieller Guide für Ihre Auszeit

The main points in a nutshell

  • A sabbatical will cause gaps in all three pillars of the retirement system.
  • How large these gaps are will vary depending on your employment situation, salary, age and the length of the sabbatical.
  • Inadequate insurance coverage can also lead to financial shortfalls. You should pay particular attention to your accident, health and daily sickness benefit insurance.

Career breaks are more common than they used to be: more and more employees are taking shorter or longer sabbaticals. Whether a four-month, round-the-world trip or a six-month study break, sabbaticals can lead to shortfalls in your pension benefits and insurance coverage. Find out here how to avoid financial gaps during a career break.

Retirement: what are the financial implications of taking a year’s sabbatical?

In addition to the money needed to finance time off, a sabbatical will also impact your retirement provision. How large an impact depends on whether you retain your job or not and the length of your sabbatical.

There are basically three different scenarios with different implications for your pension.

Insurance: what insurance do you need to arrange before your sabbatical?

Inadequate health, accident or daily sickness benefits insurance could lead to financial problems during your sabbatical. It is worth clarifying your situation and taking precautions.

Accident insurance

As an employee you are insured against occupational accidents and – if you work at least eight hours a week – also against non-occupational accidents. However, insurance ends 30 days after your last salary payment. If you take a sabbatical, apply for interim accident insurance with your employer’s insurance scheme to extend your coverage by up to six months. You will have to pay the premiums out of your own pocket.

Daily sickness benefits insurance

You can also extend your daily sickness benefits insurance, depending on the insurance provider. Contact the relevant institution in good time to find out more. Alternatively, you can take out travel insurance or some other form of additional insurance. Again, you will have to pay the premiums yourself.

Health insurance fund

Basic health insurance works the same way for everyone in Switzerland – irrespective of your health insurance fund. If you have an emergency (illness or accident) during your stay in an EU or EFTA country and cannot travel home, your basic insurance will pay for the costs of your medical treatment. This applies to services also covered in the relevant country.

If you are in a third country, basic insurance will pay for a maximum of double the costs that would be incurred in your canton of residence for the same treatment. Additional insurance is therefore advisable if you are in a country with high treatment costs. Such countries include Australia, Japan, Canada and the USA.

Additional insurance covers the higher costs of treatment and additional services, e.g., the costs of medical repatriation to Switzerland or rescue transport services abroad.

Clarify your insurance cover with your health insurance scheme in advance.

Checklist: be prepared for your sabbatical.

The following checklist will help you close any financial gaps in your retirement and insurance cover during an unpaid sabbatical:

  • Avoid missed AHV contributions; contact the compensation office and clarify the contributions you will need to pay or, if you are registered abroad, the options for making contributions.
  • Determine the voluntary savings contributions to your pension fund and set up a payment schedule.
  • If you leave your job: open a vested benefits account and transfer your retirement savings from your previous pension fund.
  • Clarify the continued status of your 3a account and budget for any contributions to be paid.
  • Apply for interim accident insurance for extended accident insurance coverage.
  • Extend your daily sickness benefit insurance or take out travel or supplementary insurance.
  • Health insurance: clarify your insurance cover abroad and extend it if necessary.
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