Our approach

Why UBS?

With over 150 years of experience, we’ve experienced a lot of different clients and situations. We know how important it is to respond quickly to market events to protect and grow your money. Our aim is to become a reliable partner who really understands you, and who’ll be there for you long term. You need more than just a bank. You need a companion to help you through all of life's ups and downs.

We help you look at the big picture

Chief Investment Office

Our Chief Investment Office (CIO) has investment specialists across the globe working to understand the bigger picture (and how your investments fit in to it). We use their research to form the UBS House View, our monthly outlook for the next six months in the markets. Our Portfolio Management team makes sure your portfolio reflects our analysts’ most up to date ideas. But, of course, we have the flexibility to snap up interesting short-term investment opportunities wherever we spot them.

Our biggest strength is the combination of our global capabilities and local expertise, allowing us to identify investment opportunities and risks for our clients.

Mark Haefele, Chief Investment Officer, UBS Global Wealth Management 
Follow Mark on LinkedIn

Stay informed with the CIO

Follow the House View, Investment views and get the latest Weekly Podcast

Chief Investment Office APAC

Tan Min Lan Head Chief Investment Office APAC, UBS Global Wealth Management

Min Lan Tan
Head Chief Investment Office APAC,
UBS Global Wealth Management

At UBS, we care about what’s happening locally as well as globally. We understand the big picture, but we also look at the detail. That’s why our local CIO advisors apply their knowledge and skills to make sure your portfolio and wealth plan are in line with local regulations and optimized for market trends wherever you are.

Wealth Insights and CIO Asia Pacific Forum

Every year in January and June, UBS hosts the Wealth Insights and CIO Asia Pacific Forums respectively in Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Japan. This is a forum where a line-up of experts and opinion leaders share their insights and views on the global and regional outlook for the year.

Market News

Get the big picture on the world's markets, with our expert insights and analysis.

UBS Investor Watch

Keeping up with the latest insights can give you great ideas for making the most of your wealth. That's where UBS Investor Watch comes in, bringing you the views of investors around the world. Explore our reports and see how they might help you reach your goals.

Your passions are important to us too

The Euromoney Private Banking Survey 2020 awarded UBS the main global prize "Best Private Banking Services Overall".


If you're thinking about giving back through philanthropy and you want to make a real difference, you'll need a clear strategy. With our advice, philanthropy can be both effective and rewarding.

Sustainable investment

Many of our clients want their investments to reflect their personal values. Sustainable investing could allow you to create lasting positive change in the world, without compromising on investment performance.