Committed to Swiss apprenticeships

We care about apprenticeships

Apprenticeships are a major foundation of the Swiss economy and improve the wellbeing of us all. As a main partner of SwissSkills and as one of Switzerland’s largest providers of vocational training, we are committed to helping you.

Our mission

  • To provide targeted support – so that young people can recognize their professional potential early on and use it to develop a fulfilling career.
  • To actively counter the shortage in skilled labor, so that Swiss SMEs can continue to make an important economic and social contribution.
  • To promote intact professional diversity – because it is one of the most important success factors of the Swiss economy.

Current highlights

Swiss professionals: ready for the world championships

The 45-strong SwissSkills National Team is hard at work preparing for the World Skills Championships this September in Lyon, where professional talents from all over the world will come together to show off their skills.

SwissSkills Mission Future

The sooner young people understand their strengths, the easier it is for them to choose a career. The “SwissSkills Mission Future” box invites you and your whole family on a fun voyage of discovery – free for UBS clients.

Apprenticeships at UBS

As one of the largest private providers of apprenticeships, we match actions to words: for successful, life-long learning. A commercial or IT apprenticeship with us will get your career off to the perfect start.

News about our commitment

Portrait of Sabine Keller-Busse

“SwissSkills and UBS share the same goal: to reinforce the importance of apprenticeships in Switzerland. Because they are an excellent career entry point, with countless opportunities for personal and professional development.”

Sabine Keller-Busse, Patron of the SwissSkills partnership, President UBS Switzerland

The SwissSkills platforms for a quality apprenticeship

SwissSkills promotes excellence in professional practice. It gives young people an insight into different professions and helps to bolster the image of vocational training in Switzerland and to strengthen its reputation. UBS is involved in a variety of different ways as part of all SwissSkills platforms. Find out more below.

SwissSkills Championships

The national professional championships are the best advertisement for vocational training and an important basis for international competitions. We are heavily involved in hosting the national championships.

SwissSkills National Team

Swiss vocational education and training is world-class. This is confirmed by the top rankings of the members of the Swiss national professional team at the EuroSkills and WorldSkills championships.

SwissSkills Mission Future

SwissSkills Mission Future shows young people in a playful way how they can discover, use and promote their strengths so that they are well prepared for a successful professional future.

SwissSkills Ambassadors

The SwissSkills Ambassadors program gives professional champions the opportunity to network and receive further support. Their personal and authentic success stories inspire young people who are choosing a career as well as the general public.

SwissSkills Connect

On the digital platform SwissSkills Connect, professional champions from over 100 apprenticeships present themselves and their everyday work, personally and individually.

Are you looking for further information?

Professional apprenticeships at UBS

As one of the largest private-sector trainers, we put our money where our mouth is: for successful, lifelong learning. Today and tomorrow.

For private clients

Are you a UBS private client and do you have questions on our products and services? Take a look at our comprehensive help section, or we are happy to help you personally.

For corporate clients

Are you looking for information or a personal contact in your role as an entrepreneur? We will be glad to support you with our comprehensive help topics or in a direct exchange.