How we manage the firm

Our governance framework supports the creation of long-term value by linking to our strategic objectives and the performance of the individuals delivering on these objectives.


The general meeting of shareholders is the supreme corporate body of UBS. All shareholders registered with voting rights are invited to general meetings of shareholders.

Chairman and Board of Directors 

Under the leadership of the Chairman, the Board of Directors (BoD) decides on the strategy of the Group, upon recommen­dation by the Group CEO, exercises ultimate supervision over management and appoints all Group Executive Board (GEB) members. The Chairman of the Board presides over all general meetings of shareholders and works with the committee chairpersons to coordinate the work of all BoD committees. The committees shown in the graphic assist the BoD in the performance of its responsibilities. These committees and their charters are described in the Organization Regulations, published at

Checks and balances – Board of Directors and Group ­Executive Board 

The BoD decides on the strategy of the Group upon recommendations by the Group CEO and exercises ultimate supervision over management, whereas the GEB, headed by the Group CEO, has executive management responsibility. The functions of Chairman of the BoD and Group CEO are assigned to two different people, ensuring a separation of power. The BoD dele­gates the management of the business to the GEB.

Group CEO and Group Executive Board 

Under the leadership of the Group CEO, the GEB has executive management responsibility for the steering of the Group and its business. It assumes overall responsibility for developing the Group and business division strategies and the implementation of approved strategies.