UBS Optimus Foundation

Effective, impactful philanthropy demands an intimate understanding of the issues. But it takes time and resources to establish the facts and monitor and evaluate results. That's where we come in. We can connect you with inspiring entrepreneurs, new technologies, and proven models that bridge a gap preventing children from thriving.

We don't work with the usual suspects. We seek out and offer you the game changers. We focus on programs with the potential to be transformative, scalable and sustainable in the areas of child health, education and protection.

Even the best ideas need the right guidance and oversight. We challenge our program-partners' assumptions rigorously, and only 5% of programs meet our tough standards. With our global coverage, proven expertise and deep understanding of the world of philanthropy we can work with you to transform good ideas into great programs for the benefit of vulnerable children around the world.

How to donate

How to donate

It feels good knowing you're making a difference to a child's life. When you donate through the UBS Optimus Foundation, we can promise your support will make a difference because we only fund projects that focus on the most vulnerable children. Also, UBS covers all administrative and wage costs relating to the UBS Optimus Foundation, so 100% of your donation goes directly to the projects.

There are many ways to donate, and if you have any questions we will be happy to answer them.

Direct donations

Whether large or small, every donation makes a difference. We offer various options when you make a direct donation to the UBS Optimus Foundation - from general unrestricted donations to tailor-made projects. Your UBS client advisor and the experts from the UBS Optimus Foundation are happy to provide you with further details and advice.

Foundation Management

We can partner with your personal charitable foundation, by offering strategic development planning and professional project portfolio management through UBS Optimus Foundation. Please contact your UBS client advisor for more details.


If you would like to make a request to the UBS Optimus Foundation in your will, your UBS client advisor will be happy to help you find a solution that meets your needs.

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