Credit Suisse Asset Management Sustainable Investing Policy


Following completion of the merger of UBS Asset Management Switzerland AG and Credit Suisse Asset Management (Switzerland) Ltd., Credit Suisse Asset Management (Switzerland) Ltd.’s business was transferred to UBS Asset Management Switzerland AG, and Credit Suisse Asset Management (Switzerland) Ltd. ceased to exist. Other Credit Suisse entities mentioned herein may also merge or have merged with other entities of the UBS Group. Until all entities have merged operationally, we continue to have parallel operational infrastructures and processes.

This document is applicable to Credit Suisse Asset Management (Switzerland) Ltd.’s Legacy Funds and Legacy Mandates.

We take a systematic approach to sustainable investing. This means that ESG factors are taken into account at various stages throughout the investment process. Our sustainable investing strategies employ ESG criteria when defining the investment universe (e.g. ESG Exclusions), integrate ESG factors directly into the investment process, extend traditional research views to encompass sustainability considerations, and reflect on ESG factors when selecting and defining exposure to securities. We monitor the resulting portfolios in terms of their sustainability characteristics. Furthermore, we support sustainability initiatives through proxy voting, participation in annual general meetings (AGMs), and engaging with investee companies. In addition, we provide detailed ESG reporting to enhance portfolio transparency for our clients. Lastly, Credit Suisse Asset Management and Credit Suisse participate in several sustainability networks and initiatives.

We are convinced that our focus on sustainability accords with and assists us in our fiduciary duty to preserve and increase the value of our portfolios to clients.

1. Credit Suisse Asset Management’s Sustainable Investing Policy

Sustainable investing refers to the process of considering environmental, social, and governance information (ESG Factors) when making investment decisions. To ensure that our sustainable investing funds meet the standards set by our clients, regulators, and the standards we set ourselves, we have established dedicated sustainable investing principles that are governed by the Sustainable Investing Policy. Credit Suisse Asset Management’s Sustainable Investing Policy applies to investment funds whose investment process includes ESG considerations and/or that follow a defined sustainable investment objective. A dedicated Sustainable Investing team governs and maintains our Sustainable Investing Policy.

Credit Suisse Asset Management’s Sustainable Investing Policy is aligned with the Credit Suisse Sustainable Investment Framework(PDF, 1 MB), which applies to all Credit Suisse divisions and businesses.

2. Regulatory methodologies and standards

This section outlines methodologies and standards that are used to manage and measure ESG Factors for investment funds in scope of the Credit Suisse Asset Management’s Sustainable Investing Policy.

3. Special topics

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