Regulatory information

UBS Qatar LLC - Terms of Business and Business transparency

Terms of Business

Type of information

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Type of information

The legal name and business address


UBS Qatar LLC, 14th Floor, Burj Alfardan Tower, Building 157, Street No. 301, Area No. 69, Al Majdami, Lusail, Qatar

Type of information

The date on which these Terms of Business came into effect



Type of information



UBS Qatar LLC is authorized by the Qatar Financial Centre Regulatory Authority ("QFCRA").

Type of information

The regulated activities that the firm is authorised to undertake


UBS Qatar LLC is authorized by QFCRA to conduct the following regulated activities:

  • Arranging deals in investments,
  • Arranging the provision of custody services,
  • arranging financing facilities, and
  • advising on investment.

These regulated activities are not conducted in accordance with Shari'a.

Type of information

Internal complaint-handling procedures, including information about how a complaint can be made to the firm


A complaint about firm's activities can be made in a durable medium directly to UBS Qatar LLC. Please refer to and the Internal Complaint-Handling Procedures(PDF, 81 KB) for further detail.

The complaint handling unit is responsible for handling complaints in accordance with Customer and Investor Protection Rules 2019 (CIPR) and Customer Dispute Resolution Scheme Rules 2019 (CDRS). Complaints must be resolved in a prompt, timely, fair and equitable manner.

UBS Qatar LLC handles complaints in strict compliance with the standards as set in rule 3.8.5 of CIPR, in particular:

  • UBS Qatar LLC must provide an acknowledgement in a durable medium mentioning the person handling the complaint 5 business days after the day on which the complaint was received and provide the details of the internal complaint handling procedures;
  • a final response must be given at the end of 4 weeks after the day the complaint was received, or otherwise the firm must explain the reason for the delay and indicate the time for the response.

Type of information

The customer dispute resolution scheme


Eligibility of the customer to apply for the customer dispute resolution scheme is determined in accordance with rule 8 of the Customer Dispute Resolution Scheme Rules 2019 ("CDRS").

Type of information

Description of the firms services







Services. UBS Qatar LLC may provide services as set out by the following authorizations it has from the QFCRA:

  • arranging deals in investments,
  • arranging the provision of custody services,
  • arranging financing facilities, and
  • advising on investment.

Arranging activities. Designated custodian for the provision of custody services is UBS AG or UBS Switzerland AG, domiciled in Switzerland.

UBS Qatar LLC arranges deals in investments and financing facilities through UBS AG or UBS Switzerland AG.

Investment research. UBS Qatar LLC does not produce investment research. However, investment research produced by UBS Group entities may be disseminated or provided as part of arranging activities.

Investment advice. UBS Qatar LLC does not provide investment advice at this point.

Type of clients. UBS Qatar LLC conducts business with business customers and eligible counterparties. UBS Qatar LLC may classify a retail customer as a business customer (opting-up) in accordance with rule 3.3.2 of the Customer and Investor Protection Rules 2019 ("CIPR").

Type of information

The firm’s charges


UBS Qatar LLC charges may consist of fees and commissions.

Detail and fee amounts and commissions charged by UBS Qatar LLC are set out in the separate documents provided to the clients.

Type of information

How the firm will deal with conflicts of interest and material interests


As part of UBS Group, UBS Qatar LLC applies a Group Policy on clientrelated conflicts of interest. Under the terms of this policy, UBS (incl. UBS Qatar LLC) and its employees must take all appropriate steps to identify, prevent and manage actual and potential conflicts of interest arising from any of their business activities. All employees have a duty to be mindful of conflicts of interest, and to assist in their identification and management, including prompt escalation. The Group Policy sets out the conflicts of interest framework with minimum requirements, including roles and responsibilities for the identification, prevention, management and recording of conflicts of interest including the processes of escalation.

Type of information

Material risks associated with:

(i) the business that the firm is offering; and

(ii) any investment strategy that the firm follows.


As part of UBS Group, UBS Qatar LLC's business is inherently affected by the risks relevant for UBS Group. This section covers material risks associated with UBS Group and UBS Qatar LLC and provides a highlevel overview of some material risks without attempting to be exhaustive. Please refer to the section “Risk Factors” of the UBS Group AG Annual Report for more detailed information by following this link:

Certain risks, including those described below, may affect UBS's ability to execute its strategy or business activities, financial condition, results of operations and prospects. UBS is inherently exposed to multiple risks, many of which may become apparent only with the benefit of hindsight.

Market and macroeconomic risks. Performance in the financial services industry is affected by market conditions and the macroeconomic climate. UBS's businesses are materially affected by market and macroeconomic conditions. Adverse changes in interest rates, credit spreads, securities prices, market volatility and liquidity, foreign exchange rates, commodity prices, and other market fluctuations, as well as changes in investor sentiment, can affect UBS's earnings and ultimately our financial and capital positions.

Regulatory and legal risks. Material legal and regulatory risks arise in the conduct of UBS's business. As a global financial services firm operating in more than 50 countries, UBS is subject to many different legal, tax and regulatory regimes, including extensive regulatory oversight, and are exposed to significant liability risk. UBS is also subject to a large number of claims, disputes, legal proceedings and government investigations, and expects that its ongoing business activities will continue to give rise to such matters in the future.

Strategy, management and operations risks. UBS may not be successful in the ongoing execution of our strategic plans.

Liquidity and funding risk. Liquidity and funding management are critical to UBS’s ongoing performance.
The viability of UBS's business depends on the availability of funding sources, and its success depends on its ability to obtain funding at times, in amounts, for tenors and at rates that enable it to efficiently support its asset base in all market conditions.

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Firm and its product providers and categories of products.



As a part of UBS Group, UBS Qatar LLC is not acting independently and may sell products (including packaged investment products) of UBS Group entities, including UBS AG and UBS Switzerland AG, as well as third parties.

These products include; e.g., shares, debt instruments, warrants, securities receipts, units in a collective investment fund, options, futures, contract for differences, rights in investments, credit facilities.

Type of information

Arrangements with particular product providers that prevent the firm from giving advice on packaged investment products from the whole market (or the whole of the relevant sector of the market).


UBS Qatar LLC does not provide investment advice at this point.

UBS Qatar LLC is entitled to modify these Terms of Business at any time without its customers’ consent. UBS Qatar LLC shall communicate such modifications in advance and in an appropriate manner in a durable medium at least 10 business days before the change is to take effect; or if it is impractical to give notice of the change within such 10 business days period – as early as is practicable.

UBS Qatar LLC is authorised by the Qatar Financial Centre Regulatory Authority (QFCRA) and holds a Qatar Financial Centre (QFC) license (No. 01169). 

Business transparency

Transparency is one of the key Corporate Governance principles. To find out more please follow the links below.