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UBS House View

    New to Circle One?

    Top of Mind in Asia Pacific: The Fed’s direction, Japan’s historic policy normalization & Hong Kong equities

    With Min Lan Tan, UBS Head of CIO APAC

    CIO Monthly: The next step

    With Mark Haefele, UBS Global Chief Investment Officer

    Get in balance

    With Jason Draho, UBS CIO Americas Head of Asset Allocation

    The AI Show

      New to Circle One?

      2Q AI outlook: If it AIn't broke, don't fix it

      With Paul Stefansson, The AI Show host & Sundeep Gantori, UBS CIO Equity Strategist

      Tech results takeaways: What you need to know

      With Paul Stefansson, The AI Show host & Sundeep Gantori, UBS CIO Equity Strategist

      Thoma Bravo: Why AI & software are eating the world

      With Orlando Bravo, Founder & Managing Partner, Thoma Bravo

      Manager’s Perspective

        New to Circle One?

        UBS’s Bin Shi: China's value in perspective

        With Bin Shi, Head of China Equities Asset Management, UBS

        PIMCO: US Election post Super Tuesday

        With Libby Cantrill, Head of US Public Policy, PIMCO

        Brookfield: Biggest infrastructure opportunities in the next 20 years

        With Bruce Flatt, CEO, Brookfield

        UBS House View Process

        Driven by insight

        Our independent research-based advisory approach is designed to draw from extensive expertise across all asset classes, currencies and localities

        UBS Explains

        US Presidential Election

        The US electoral process presents a tangle of complexities, so humility can be essential. Christopher Swann, UBS Cross-Asset Strategist, talks through several key features of the US democratic system and what they might mean for your portfolio.

        Behavioral Finance

        Investors can easily fall victim to irrationality and emotions when investing. In this episode, we explain how this can damage returns and how to protect yourself against these inbuilt tendencies.

        Should investors be worried about the US government debt

        In this episode of our UBS Explains series, Paul Donovan, UBS Chief Economist, discusses why is borrowing necessary for any government and what is the impact of an increasing US debt level for investors.

        What is private credit

        In this video, we explore what is private credit and why you should consider it as part of your portfolio allocation with Antoinette Zuidweg, Alternative Investment Strategist.

        How to manage your equity exposure

        Equities are the cornerstone of most portfolios. However, there are times when the equity markets become less attractive. In this video, we explore how to invest during such periods with Mark Anderson Co-Head CIO Global Asset Allocation.

        How Performance Linked to Equity Securities (PERLES) can enhance upside returns

        Clare Chia, of UBS’s Global Markets Structured Advisory Team, explains how PERLES work.

        What are emerging markets

        Emerging Markets are a diverse investment region spanning multiple economies around the world. Michael Bolliger, UBS CIO GWM Global EM, will explain to us the characteristics of emerging markets how they can serve as a good diversification tool.

        How Credit Linked Notes (CLNs) can enhance your portfolio yield

        Serena Tang, UBS Equity and Structured Products Specialist explains how Credit Linked Notes (CLNs) work.

        How Discretionary and Advisory Portfolios work

        Ricardo Beninatto, UBS Head Active Advisory SEA and Jessie Lee, UBS Investment Specialist, explain Discretionary & Advisory portfolios, and how to select the right portfolio for different investment objectives.

        How to adopt an Endowment Style Portfolio

        Nicolas Kunz, UBS Investment Specialist, discusses rethinking the common balanced 60/40 portfolio with an endowment style investing strategy.

        What is Credit

        Thomas Wacker, UBS Co-Head Chief Investment Office Credit, provides an overview of what credit is and how to invest in it.

        Why warrants matter

        Meryl Lee, UBS Equity and Structured Products Specialist, explains how warrants work, the risks and benefits for investors.

        How to invest with Reverse Convertible Notes

        Serena Tang, UBS Equity and Structured Products Specialist, explains Reverse Convertible Notes (RCN) and how they can be a yield enhancement strategy for investors.

        Preserving wealth across generations

        UBS Wealth Planners Vincci Au and Regina Lo discuss succession planning tools that can ensure a smooth and efficient transfer of wealth to loved ones.

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        Hong Kong: +852-2971-7111

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        Circle One by UBS is currently available to selected APAC clients in the following app stores: China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Macau, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan and Thailand. Please reach out to your client advisor for more information.