"Collaboration is key to success – for the customer and for us"

Lambda Li and her team, the Strategic Equity Solutions Group (SESG), move mountains to help our clients to get what they need.

What does your team do? 

We create tailored solutions to answer the needs of our clients when their needs do not fall squarely into a particular category or division. That means working closely with our colleagues from the Investment Bank, Global Wealth Management and Asset Management, as well as with risk officers, legal, and compliance teams to understand the risks and ensure that we respect the constraints we have as an institution. In one recent case, a client asked us to help the management team subscribe to shares in the IPO. We had to work against a short timeline as the IPO couldn't be moved and we needed to get the approvals in place in just 10 days. It was challenging but rewarding: GWM got net new money, the IB got a new deal, and we started a meaningful dialogue with the client.

That shows how crucial cross-divisional collaboration is for your team. 

Indeed. As the market environment evolves and the complexity of each trade has increased, the solutions we come up with differ even from similar situations we dealt with in the past. The only constant in my description of our business is that we're fostering "One Bank". I cannot imagine SESG being a market leader in Asia without the expertise and support of all the different units in the firm. We wouldn't have the same level and effectiveness of dialogue and evaluation of trades without our client-facing and control function colleagues. Our whole business model relies on teams acting as true partners.

Do you think collaboration will play an even bigger role in the future of our firm? 

Definitely. It is vital to have a holistic view of the ever-changing marketplace, to be agile and ready to adapt, so that we can be effective and efficient. And that's why collaboration is the key to innovative solutions and success for both parties.

At the age of four, Lambda Li from Hong Kong studied her father's bank statements, trying to figure out the interest. Today, Lambda co-leads the Strategic Equity Solutions Group (SESG) in APAC.