CMCI Active

CMCI Active was officially launched on 25th of April 2008 (and was launched internally in August 2007) as a recent addition to the UBS CMCI index family. It is a unique commodity instrument which offers you all the benefits of a leading commodity index with a flexible and sustainable form of performance enhancement.

Although passive index investment is still the most popular route and continues to serve the market well, many investors are looking for a more active approach as the market becomes more sophisticated. As the only commodity index to be both closely aligned to an established benchmark and to draw on the insights of one of the world’s leading research teams, CMCI Active is the solution that other providers will seek to match.

CMCI Active is a unique index that allows all investors access to the strong strategic and tactical knowledge of UBS’s research analysts and opens up the market to those previously excluded from traditional active products due to high fees, lack of transparency or minimum investment level. It is available to all investors from individuals to Sovereign Wealth Funds.

CMCI Active uses the same calculation methodology and commodity components as the CMCI Benchmark Index. In addition, index weights are adjusted every month to reflect changes in the market and our analysts’ views on relative value and performance. The fixed rules or algorithms on which other ‘enhanced’ indices depend are often based on historical price patterns or curve shapes and can become outdated over time. By contrast, CMCI Active is flexible, forward looking and designed to respond quickly to changes in the market.

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