Separately Managed Accounts (SMA)
An actively managed portfolio placing an emphasis on real estate landlords generating a majority of revenue from the ownership and operation of commercial real estate properties.
- UBS CBRE Concentrated Global Property Model
UBS CBRE Concentrated Global Property Model
UBS CBRE Concentrated Global Property Model
Strategy overview
The UBS CBRE Concentrated Global Property Model is an actively managed strategy investing in a portfolio of property and property-related equity securities across a range of geographic and economic sectors.
The strategy uses a multi-step investment process for constructing the Model’s portfolio that combines top-down region and sector allocation with bottom-up individual stock selection.
Investment style places an emphasis on companies with above average growth, quality, and attractive intrinsic value.
Proprietary risk management and optimization tools designed to mitigate factor risk and maximize alpha potential from stock selection.
Key facts
Strategy inception date - 2 November 2022
Reference benchmark - FTSE EPRA NAREIT Developed Rental Net Total Return Index (AUD)
Currency hedging - Unhedged
Range of holdings - 25-45
Model investment - AUD100,000 (minimum)
Investment vehicles - SMA model
Sub Advisor Information
Joseph Smith, CFA
Kenneth Weinberg
Justin Pica