- With a little ingenuity, you can cook and eat for less
- A grant can provide financial support
- A simple budget gives you an overview of how much you’re spending
1. Budget plan
1. Budget plan
First things first: draw up a budget. It may sound complicated, but it’s not. Simply make a list of your fixed costs and personal costs – and that’s pretty much it. If you want to know more, read our article on the topic or download the budget plan template.
2. Student discounts
2. Student discounts
If you, as a student, need to keep an eye on your finances, there are numerous things that you can and should treat yourself to for less. Whether a discount for the movies or on museum admission, 2-for-1 offers or student rates on a mobile phone subscription: keep an eye out for bargains. Many platforms also offer you money off at restaurants, on fashion, and much more – such as the cashyou app with over 3,000 businesses registered.
3. Tupperware party
3. Tupperware party
Visits to a restaurant or the cafeteria quickly become expensive, and you can save a lot of money if you prepare your food at home. If you want to get a bit creative, check the hashtags #easyrecipes or #mealprep on social media for inspiration. Before you go grocery shopping: make a meal plan, write a shopping list (and stick to it) and buy in bulk – all of which will work out cheaper in most cases.
4. Flatshare life
4. Flatshare life
A no-brainer: of course you also save if you move into a flatshare and split the rent. But even in a flatshare there are additional ways you and your flatmates can save: drinking tap water and turning off your devices when you don’t need them – as they use power and therefore cost money even in stand-by mode.
Electricity can be cheaper at night than during the day: some energy suppliers offer peak and off-peak tariffs. The latter usually apply after 8 p.m. on weekdays, and on the weekend. You can find out the exact times from your energy supplier. In this case, you’d be better off running your washing machine or dishwasher at night.
5. Grants
5. Grants
Regardless of whether you want to study to become an artist, athlete or scientist: you could be entitled to financial support in the form of a grant. In Switzerland, this is regulated by the canton and must be applied for directly in your canton of origin or the canton where your parents reside. In the case of grants, a distinction is made between funds that do not have to be repaid, and loans. In both cases, you should note that financing will only be awarded if your financial resources or those of your parents are not sufficient for your education.

2-for-1 menu at Hans im Glück
2-for-1 menu at Hans im Glück
cashyou is an app with benefits for young people and students. As a UBS client, you can use the app free of charge and benefit from discounts at many online shops such as Zalando or The North Face and exclusive local discounts such as the 2-for-1 menu at Hans im Glück in your city.