September 16, 2020

Successful Family Business Protocols and their Impact in Times of Crisis

Should we change the Family Protocol?

Live interview with Raúl Serebrenik

How will we make decisions? What can we expect from the family business? Should we change the Family Protocol?. These are some of the questions that are asked by business families who have not had the expected results under the current model of their family protocol. In this webinar we will help you understand how other dynasties, following a more holistic protocol, have had much more favorable results and how you can implement them in your family protocol. Join us and Raúl Serebrenik, Advisor of Business Families, Family Heritage and Business Wealth Advisor in more than 27 countries, certified by the Family Firm Institute (FFI).

Speakers: Raúl Serebrenik from Family Enterprise Consulting International Group and moderated by Carlos Valdés, relationship manager at UBS AO Panama

Language: Spanish

Webinar date: September 16th