Legal note

Create the life you want

The data transmitted with this form via the internet to UBS is encrypted. However, there is still the possibility that unauthorized third parties may be able to gain access, especially through malware on a computer, to the data transmitted via this form. By using this form to transmit confidential data (e.g. account number) you accept the risk of disclosing the banking relationship and banking client information to third parties, and release UBS from any liability for losses from the use of this form, as permitted by law.

By providing your telephone number and/or e-mail address above you expressly approve UBS contacting you via telephone and/or via unsecured e-mail.

Please be aware that the use of e-mail can involve substantial risks such as lack of confidentiality, potential manipulation of contents or sender's address, wrong recipient, viruses etc. UBS assumes no responsibility for any loss or damage resulting from the use of e-mails. UBS recommends in particular that you do not send any sensitive information via e-mail, that you do not include details of the previous message in any reply, and that you enter e-mail addresses manually every time you write an e-mail.

UBS does not accept any transaction orders submitted via this form, including but not limited to account openings, payment or stock market transaction orders, revocation of orders or authorizations, blocking of credit cards, changes of address. Please contact the appropriate branch or your client advisor for such transactions.

Consenso (now UBS Consenso) has been a market leader in Brazil's multi-family office sector since 2003. We've led the way by offering a compelling blend of unbiased onshore and offshore services, and expertise that helps people protect and grow their wealth.

In 2017, we joined with UBS, giving our clients access to the world's leading wealth manager.

We connect with every client, working together to help them understand and make the most of their wealth.

To execute transactions efficiently and cost-effectively in global markets, our independence enables us to choose the right investment partners and custodians.