Eleven funds in total have been added giving investors direct access to UBS' diverse investment capabilities and investment styles across all major asset classes.

"We are excited to add eleven of our core funds onto the mFunds settlement service," said Alistair Dunne, Head of Wholesale Sales, UBS Asset Management.

"The mFund settlement service will not only open the door to a greater audience of financial planners and retail investors, but will also benefit these investor groups by offering them direct access to a broad array of our investment funds. Both single and multi-asset class funds will be offered on mFund, improving ease of investment to a diverse, broad and growing range of managed funds."

1. UBS Australian Small Companies Fund

2. UBS Microcap Fund

3. UBS HALO Australian Share Fund

4. UBS Australian Bond Fund

5. UBS Diversified Credit Fund

6. UBS Diversified Fixed Income Fund

7. UBS Tactical Beta Fund – Balanced

8. UBS Tactical Beta Fund – Growth

9. UBS Tactical Beta Fund - Conservative

10. UBS Clarion Global Property Securities Fund

11. UBS Property Securities Fund

In 2015, the UBS Tactical Beta Fund – Growth won Money Management's Multi Sector and Asset Allocator of the Year categories. Collectively the three UBS Tactical Beta Funds won the 2015 Morningstar Undiscovered Manager category and Zenith's Multi Asset Diversified Manager of the Year award for both 2014 and 2015. UBS Asset Management was also a finalist in the 2015 Money Management/Lonsec's Fund Manager of the Year awards.