Sustainable savings for the future
Put money aside and act ecologically at the same time? Yes, you can. Sustainable savings accounts pursue environmentally-oriented goals.

Sustainable investments are in vogue: More and more Swiss people are investing in companies that take social, ethical and environmental aspects into account in their business activities. However, very few people know that there are also sustainable account solutions. What should change. This is because it is about additional opportunities to use the savings for personal goals as well as for sustainable goals at the same time.
If sustainability means thinking long-term and ensuring that future generations also find a world worth living in, then the situation is very similar with saving. Here, too, it is about a perspective that extends beyond the day. In the foreground is the desire to set aside something for the future. The motivations can vary from person to person: some are saving for an education, others for the purchase of residential property, still others for retirement provision or simply in case something unforeseen could occur.