Create the life you want
I want to make the world a better place

You want to make a positive impact on the world in a way that reflects your personal values. But how? We offer a wide range of solutions to help you stay true to your values without sacrificing financial returns. So you’re able to invest in the world you want to live in.

Questions to ask yourself

To get started, ask yourself these three important questions:

Can my investments make an impact on the world?

What if you could do well financially while doing good in the world? With sustainable investing, you can invest in ways that reflect your values without compromising the opportunity to achieve attractive returns on your money.

How can my investments reflect my values?

You can help shape a better world when you invest sustainably, from alleviating poverty and hunger to combating climate change and injustice. The extent of your impact also depends on the ambition and nature of your investments. You can choose to exclude companies that don’t reflect your values, or integrate companies based on environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors. Another way to go is impact investing, which clearly measures how well organizations deliver on their promises.

What do my choices say about me?

We can help your portfolio reflect your values, without compromising returns.

Are you interested in sustainable investing?

Sustainable Investing

How can UBS help?

We'll help you put a plan in place for the future, advise you on sustainable opportunities or manage your wealth for you. In whatever way you choose to partner with us, we'll help you stay on track to meet your financial goals at the same time as improving the sustainability of your portfolio.

And when you choose UBS Wealth Management, you get a trusted advisor who can guide your financial decisions for years to come.

Our service

Great investment advice doesn’t exist in a vacuum. Our service takes into account all your financial needs, from wealth planning to investing. We call this your total wealth solution.

UBS Consenso logo

Consenso (now UBS Consenso) has been a market leader in Brazil's multi-family office sector since 2003. We've led the way by offering a compelling blend of unbiased onshore and offshore services, and expertise that helps people protect and grow their wealth.

In 2017, we joined with UBS, giving our clients access to the world's leading wealth manager.

We connect with every client, working together to help them understand and make the most of their wealth.

To execute transactions efficiently and cost-effectively in global markets, our independence enables us to choose the right investment partners and custodians.

We'd like to meet you

Come and see us so we can start working towards your future.