Digital Banking Demo


UBS Advice Health

0123 999999999 0002

UBS Advice™ [CH] Growth

Net assets (CHF)



Performance (YTD)




Risk analysis
Analysis by asset class
2Bulk risks
Issuer Concentrations
1Instruments with negative view
Not monitored instruments
Bonds with a low rating

Risk analysis

The current risk level of your portfolio is within your risk tolerance.

Applied investment strategy *2.6%8.1%
Your current portfolio3.0%10.8%
--- Target range--
* The values describing risk tolerance levels are indicative only and relate to model investment strategies and not to specific investment products. UBS can change the asset classes and allocations at any time at UBS's discretion without informing the client.

The values shown are gross values excluding fees and taxes (e.g. transaction fees, mandate fees, surcharges). Depending on the market situation and the investment selection, the actual volatility/return of the portfolio may exceed or fall below the expected volatility/return.

This portfolio health check monitors the expected volatility of your portfolio in comparison to the volatility bandwidths of the applied investment strategy according to your selected risk tolerance. Portfolio volatility is calculated as expected long-term volatility in a business cycle incorporating the forecast of the UBS Chief Investment Office WM. Please be aware that for monitoring the risk/return for your portfolio, UBS depends on product information that is not always available or not in sufficient quality. Therefore, UBS cannot always ensure the performance of aforesaid checks for certain investment instruments (e.g. some structured products and collective investment schemes).

As a client with UBS Advice, you can contact your client advisor anytime and involve him/her in the optimization of your portfolio whenever needed.