UBS Bancomat
Bancomat Plus: Withdrawals, account information, depositsMultimat: Domestic and international Payments, Account Transfer, Account Information, Standing Orders
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Business hours
Bancomat Plus
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Special Opening Hours
Available Services
- Bancomat with EuroWithdrawals in Euros, account information
- Bancomat PlusWithdrawals, account information, deposits
- MultimatDomestic and international Payments, Account Transfer, Account Information, Standing Orders
Contact detailsStreet Address
Schaffhauserstrasse 28
Zentrum Neue Rheinb.
4332 Stein
Postal Address
- Postfach 662
4310 Rheinfelden
- +41-61-836 49 49
Street Address
Zentrum Neue Rheinb.
4332 Stein
Postal Address
4310 Rheinfelden