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UBS Bancomat

Rue de la Gare 10,2525 Le Landeron
  • Bancomat

Opening hours

Bancomat, Bancomat Plus and Multimat
Mon - Sun


Advice by appointment from Monday to Friday between 8.00 and 18.00


Street Address
Rue de la Gare 10
2525 Le Landeron
Postal Address
Case Postale 348
2525 Le Landeron
Postal Account
Clearing Number
Internet Address

Accessibility attributes

  • ATM with braille or raised textThe ATM at this location has buttons in braille or with raised text & numbers
  • Wheelchair accessible parking lotThe business has a parking spot specifically marked for users with accessibility needs.
  • Building accessible via public transportThe building can be easily reached and accessed by public transport
  • Wheelchair accessible entranceThe entrance to the business is approximately 3 feet wide and doesn’t have steps. Three feet (one meter) is about the width for 2 people to stand comfortably side by side. If there’s one or more steps, there should be a permanent ramp, or at least a moveable ramp.
  • ATM with height for wheelchair userThe ATM at this location is installed at the correct height for a wheelchair user