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Put-writing on Eurozone stocks in volatile mark...

The outbreak of the coronavirus has resulted in a fresh bout of volatility on global financial markets. CIO believes that against this backdrop, using a systematic put-write strategy can help investors increase the risk-adjusted returns of their portfolios while decreasing volatility.

Marketing | Oggi

CIO Alert

Rafforziamo l’esposizione al rischio sulla scia del ribasso dei mercati

Investment views | Ieri

China's solar energy outlook is bright

China contributes almost one-quarter of the world's carbon emissions. This has prompted the Chinese government to adopt aggressive carbon emission controls to meet UN zero emission targets for 2050. These measures include targeting a reduction in per capita GDP carbon emission of 40%–45% between 2005 and 2020, and 60–65% by 2030

Marketing | Oggi

Adding to risk after market sell-off

Last week saw the largest fall in global stocks since 2008, a widening of credit spreads, and a rise in volatility, with markets reflecting the growing number of COVID-19 cases globally, and the negative implications of containment measures on economic growth.

Marketing | Oggi

Expert call: the coronavirus and finan...

The COVID-19 coronavirus is dominating headlines, yet important questions remain about the virus itself and its impact on financial markets.

Marketing | Oggi

Is higher public-sector debt justified?

Thanks to the negative interest rate environment government spending is currently cheaper than ever before. Against this backdrop, the question is whether the federal and cantonal governments shouldn’t increase their debt, especially in order to offset the negative effects of monetary policy.

Marketing | Ieri

Scelte in un clima d’incertezza

Impeachment, Brexit, attacchi aerei, un’epidemia, eppure l’S&P 500 si attesta su nuovi massimi. Il 2020 è già diventato un anno da ricordare nei libri di storia, e siamo solo all’inizio.

Investment views | 5 giorni fa

CIO Alert

Il ribasso dovuto al COVID-19 genera opportunità

Investment views | 5 giorni fa

CIO Alert

CIO Alert – Nuovo ribasso a causa dei timori di pandemia

Investment views | 7 giorni fa