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Servizi disponibili

  • Wealth ManagementConsulenza e soluzioni d’investimento che vi aiutano a proteggere e far crescere il vostro patrimonio.
Wealth Management: Consulenza e soluzioni d’investimento che vi aiutano a proteggere e far crescere il vostro patrimonio.



2, St. James's Gate
Newcastle Upon Tyne NE4 7JH

Indirizzo postale

2, St. James's Gate
Newcastle Upon Tyne
Regno Unito


+44-191-211 1000


+44-191 211 1001

Informazioni della banca




From the south
From the A1 north join the A184. Take the right-hand lane to join the A189, then cross Redheugh Bridge. Immediately after crossing the bridge take the first exit and continue left. Follow the signs for Times Square Car Park. Our office is opposite this car park, next to the Jury's Inn Hotel.

From the north
From the A1 south, follow the signs for City Centre via the A695 (Scotswood Rd). Take the last exit off the roundabout adjacent to Newcastle College. Follow the signs for Times Square car park. Our office is opposite this car park, next to the Jury's Inn Hotel

By Rail or Metro
The nearest mainline station and metro is Newcastle Central. The office is a five minute walk from the station on foot. Leave the station via the main exit and turn left walking past the Noda taxi booth and short-stay car park. Pass through the 'Centre for Life' at Times Square. St James's Gate is immediately opposite, across the road. As you enter the courtyard, we are on the left-hand side with the Jury's Inn facing you.

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