Exit strategically. Move forward confidently. Private Wealth Management

Presale preparation can make all the difference post-sale

There are multiple factors to consider when you’re weighing the decision to sell your company. In some cases, it can take five years or more to exit a business, so proper planning needs to begin early. Given the complexity and potential professional, personal and financial consequences of a sale, we believe you shouldn’t make your decision alone.

The value of CEPA® collaboration

As financial advisors with the Certified Exit Planning Analyst® (CEPA®) designation, Lance Cholet and Reed Fawley, along with CORAL Investment Partners, will work closely with you at each stage in your business life cycle. Our team offers advisory solutions that help empower you to make educated financial decisions throughout the entire exit planning process. We’ll begin with critical pre-liquidity planning and continue through execution and closing.

Prior to your transaction, we help you develop a personalized strategy that includes important estate planning considerations that can impact your long-term goals and the next generation, post-sale. Supported by extensive UBS resources for business owners and entrepreneurs, we’ll address:

  • Structure and timing
  • Valuation opportunities
  • Risk management
  • Liquidity strategies
  • Your estate, potential succession and tax considerations
  • Collaboration with UBS private equity and investment banking teams

One relationship.
Many resources at UBS for business owners.

As Private Wealth Advisors, we have extensive access to a diverse team of experts, each with their own role and expertise in the selling process. We may recommend a valuation specialist, investment banker, CPA, attorney and analysts from our Advanced Planning Group.

Timing is everything
Being prepared to identify and take advantage of the right time to sell is critical to the successful outcome of your transaction. The ideal backdrop for a high valuation sale is a stable or growing gross domestic product (GDP), low inflation and low interest rates—this environment fuels deal-making activity. We’ll work with you on getting a business valuation to determine a realistic current-day value, the risks to that value and suggestions for increasing the value over time.

Keep in mind that most buyers will look at sales and gross profit records to determine the viability of a business. They are looking to acquire businesses that are thriving, not surviving.