Afficher la carte

UBS Principal Capital Asia Ltd.

9 Penang Road,238459 Singapore
  • Agence

Heures d'ouverture

Horaires d'ouverture
Lu - Ve
Sa - Di


Driving and parking at 9 Penang Road

  • Entrance to the carpark via Fort Canning Road
  • There are car park lots and motorcycle lots available for hourly parking, 3 car park lots are available for Electric Vehicles charging on a per-use rate.

Alternative carpark locations

  • Hotel Fort Canning, Fort Canning Park
  • Public Car Parks A/B/C, YWCA and The Cathay
  • Park-and-ride with nearby season parking options: Esplanade and Marina Square (both are within 4 to 7 minutes’ walk to the Esplanade and Promenade MRT Stations, which are part of the Circle Line that runs through Dhoby Ghaut MRT Interchange)

Public transport

Nearest MRT stations

  • Dhoby Ghaut Interchange Exit B
  • Fort Canning Station

Nearest Bus Stop

  • 08031 Dhoby Ghaut Station (located directly opposite the building entrance on Penang Road)

Taxi / private driving services

Three pick-up and drop-off points

  • Via level one on Penang Lane
  • Via level one on Penang Road
  • Via level two entry into carpark on Fort Canning Road

Pouvons-nous vous faire économiser un voyage?

Épargnez-vous un voyage à l'agence.


Numéro de téléphone
+65-6495 8000
9 Penang Road
238459 Singapore
Adresse postale
9 Penang Road
238459 Singapore

Services disponibles

  • Investment BankingServices d’analyse financière et un accès aux marchés des capitaux internationaux.