Advice and understanding for each generation

Chambers Wealth Management Matthew L. Chambers, Joseph Restaino, James B. McKaveney, Sharon A. Getchell

Chambers Wealth Management




150 Second Avenue North
Suite 1000
St. Petersburg, FL 33701

Our mission is to provide every client with the financial freedom to enjoy what matters most—family, friends and life’s passions. We help you achieve that goal by bringing together a rare combination of our comprehensive financial planning approach as well as proactive portfolio management and personalized service.

In today’s world, you need to understand how all the pieces of your complex life can affect the pursuit of important financial goals. That’s why our team will collaborate with all of your trusted advisors to ensure that our advice and solutions are fully aligned across all your wealth management needs.

We’ll then work with you to make a sensible plan designed to manage your wealth, with your life in mind. It’s what we call: Advice. Beyond investing.

Our office locations

150 Second Avenue North
Suite 1000
St. Petersburg, FL 33701

18167 U.S. Highway 19 N
Suite 200
Clearwater, FL 33764

Mutual responsibilities and shared expectations

Having a solid relationship is essential to effective financial planning. To this end, we both need to make your financial strategies a priority. We will agree to keep each other informed of any new developments that might affect these strategies. And we will agree to take the time to regularly review your financial plan. We will always work together in the spirit of mutual trust, respect and understanding.


Our first meeting sets the foundation for a successful relationship. We will discuss each other’s expectations for working together and will begin to get to know what matters most to you. This will help us determine if this relationship is a good fit for both of us. In preparing a comprehensive view of your finances, we will review your assets and your current and potential liabilities to help us customize our recommendations with the most appropriate solutions.


After analyzing the information gathered during the discovery stage, we will develop your custom financial plan by drawing upon our team’s deep experience as well as the vast knowledge and resources within UBS. We will then review in detail our comprehensive plan based on the needs and goals you share with us.


Beyond providing tactical and active portfolio management, we are also meticulous about monitoring. We will conduct periodic reviews to keep your plan current as market conditions change and your personal needs and goals evolve over time. We also pride ourselves on being accessible and responsive, so you don’t need to wait for a review meeting to ask us a question, raise a concern or share an update.

Focused on your goals. Planning for life.

No matter where you are in your life, we can help guide you through each important stage of planning for the goals that matter to you—both short-term and long-term. We create your personal financial roadmap that addresses your needs over time.

UBS Wealth Way
UBS Wealth Way starts with questions and a discussion that help us focus on what’s really important to you. Then, we can help you organize your financial life into three key strategies: Liquidity—to help provide cash flow for short-term expense, Longevity—for longer-term needs and Legacy—for needs that go beyond your own.

To help maintain your lifestyle

This strategy helps you manage cash flow for near-term expenses. It can give you the confidence to fund short-term needs regardless of the markets, and helps reduce the likelihood of making impulsive investment decisions during periods of market volatility.

  • Entertainment and travel
  • Taxes
  • Purchasing a home

To help improve your lifestyle

This strategy includes the resources you’ll need over the course of your life. It can help you gain confidence in your future by allowing you to shift your focus to meeting long-term goals rather than trying to outperform the markets.

  • Retirement
  • Healthcare and long-term care expenses
  • Second home

To help improve the lives of others

This strategy includes all of the resources for needs that go beyond your own. Having a Legacy strategy can boost your confidence by reframing risk based on specific legacy goals and longer timeframes.

  • Giving to family
  • Philanthropy
  • Wealth transfer over generations

What can you expect from us?

You can expect that we will consistently and responsibly perform all services related to the delivery, review and ongoing monitoring of the financial planning solutions we implement on your behalf.

You can expect that we will consistently and responsibly perform all services related to the delivery, review and ongoing monitoring of the financial planning solutions we implement on your behalf.

We will:

  • Strive to gain and maintain a thorough understanding of your financial goals
  • Update your current financial information on a regular basis
  • Carefully assess and monitor your investment risk and time frame
  • Explain the implications of all recommended financial planning strategies and gladly answer any questions you may have
  • Update you as appropriate by email, mail and phone
  • Act as your primary Financial Advisor, coordinating the efforts of other related professionals as required
  • Treat you with utmost respect and professionalism
  • Service all facets of your financial life
  • Provide tactical and active portfolio management

What can we expect from you?

Effective communication and mutual respect are essential to a long-term relationship. Our successful relationship can also depend on:

Effective communication and mutual respect are essential to a long-term relationship. Our successful relationship can also depend on:

  • Your commitment to us as your Financial Advisor
  • Your trust in our ability to provide you with recommendations and advice
  • Your complete disclosure about what matters most to you

We need you to know that our recommendations are always based on helping you achieve your financial and lifestyle goals. All financial planning advice will be based on the information you provide to us. Therefore, in order for us to offer recommendations and advice best suited to you, we need for you to fully participate in the financial planning process with us.


Creating a lasting and positive impact

Creating a lasting and positive impact

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