Couple in discussion on a couch in a corporate office

UBS Wealth Way

Wealth across generations

Think long term

What do you want to achieve with your financial investments? There could be so many different answers to this question, but they would all be around a single great goal: "to guarantee the financial capacity to carry out personal projects over time, leaving a legacy for the next generations".

Going beyond the short term allows you not to miss opportunities and avoid behavioral pitfalls.

In fact, since 1988, those who have been out of the market (S&P 500 index) on the best market day have lost 11% of their performance, and those who have exited during the best week have suffered a cost of 12%. But the interesting fact is that the best day was in the middle of the 2008 crisis and the best week in the spring of 2020, at the height of the pandemic.

In short, if tactics are important to defend portfolios, strategy is even more important. Which means being able to count on available resources and a clear short- and medium-term liquidity strategy, to deal with changes in plans and new objectives without mobilizing the resources invested in the long term. 

A purpose-driven personalized approach

UBS Wealth Way evolves the concept of financial advice. A proprietary and innovative approach that helps investors plan their wealth optimally, building clear and goal-based financial plans.

This awareness helps investors to stay focused on their financial goals even when, in times of uncertainty, they might fall into "behavioral traps" and make impulsive and rash financial decisions. 

We start from you

Asking the right questions helps us understand your current situation and your vision of the future, so that we can plan the best strategies together.

Woman sitting near a desk with laptop and working
Two people sitting on a couch in a corporate office discussing

What do you want to accomplish in your life?

Who are the people that matter most to you?

What do you want your legacy to be?

What are your main concerns?

How do you plan to achieve your life's vision?

We guide your wealth across generations

A real personalized financial advice starts from your goals and projects. With UBS Wealth Way, we translate your goals into financial strategies, so that you have enough liquidity to maintain your standard of living, funds available to finance your projects over time and the ability to pass on your wealth to future generations. Without neglecting any investments that have a positive impact on society.

The, based on our conversations and your goals, we draw up an individual plan according to 3 strategies of Liquidity, Longevity and Legacy.


Your Wealth, for today

In a world of uncertainties, how can you move forward with confidence? A Liquidity strategy can help. It’s designed to provide cash flow for short-term expenses, so you can be ready for what comes your way.


Your Wealth, for tomorrow
Couple holding cup in their hand

Having a Longevity strategy can help you overcome changing market conditions by helping you make long term plans for things like selling a business or planning for retirement. It seeks to grow your wealth over time.  


Your Wealth, for others
looking at old photograph

It’s never too early to plan ahead. A Legacy strategy can help you gain more control over your financial future and what you leave behind, so you can move forward with confidence.