
Get on the right track

  • Even the most impressive careers are rarely completely linear. Learn how best to prepare for planned and unplanned events.

Invest in the future

Retirement still seems a long way off. Nevertheless, it is sensible to set up your own pension arrangements at an early stage.

Which pension instruments are worth investing in? When and how much? How much opportunity do you have to influence the investment strategy? What happens if your career doesn’t go to plan?

Assets tied up in the company

Senior managers and the self-employed often have a significant proportion of their income or assets tied up.

What does this mean in fiscal terms? What scope for optimization is available as regards to timing and format?

A property for life

Many people dream of a home of their own. Before deciding on a property, a number of factors need to be considered.

What is its market value? What is the best way of financing it? Will you be able to bear the costs if your circumstances change? What tax and legal aspects need to be considered?

You are ready to invest a lot in your career. We’ll find out together how this pays off for you financially, too. Let’s talk.

Because a personal conversation is worth a lot

What can we do for you? We’re happy to address your concerns directly. You can contact us in the following ways: