Useful information

The latest investment news

Monitoring and analyzing a range of very different markets and their participants is one of our core tasks. In our free publications and brochures we share our detailed findings with you.

Investment-related information

House View for investors

House View for investors

The latest opinion on the financial markets from UBS.

Invest successfully

Invest successfully

What does it take to invest successfully? We did some research.

Investor Watch

Investor Watch

Deals with the views and concerns of investors worldwide.

Investing sustainably

Investing sustainably

Find out about the first steps towards a sustainable portfolio.

Analyses of the Swiss real estate market

Spotlight on the Swiss construction and real estate industry

Spotlight on the Swiss construction and real estate industry

Once a year the Swiss Real Estate Focus provides an overview of the main trends in the Swiss real estate market.

Development of the Bubble Index

Development of the Bubble Index

The Swiss Real Estate Bubble Index shows quarterly the risk of a real estate bubble on the Swiss residential property market.


Women's Wealth Academy

Women's Wealth Academy

Tips for women who want to do their own wealth planning.

Because a personal conversation is worth a lot

What can we do for you? We’re happy to address your concerns directly. You can contact us in the following ways: