In order to use "Pay later", you need to meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • be a resident of Switzerland
  • be at least 18 years old
  • other exclusions may apply

If you meet all criteria, this is how you use "Pay later":

First, make sure that "Pay later" is activated.

If it is activated, you will see a "Pay later" message when you initiate payments to merchants that offer "Pay later" as a payment method. By choosing this message, you can change the payment method to “Pay later”.

Screenshot of the banner to change the payment method to "Pay later"

The first time you select "Pay later" to make a purchase, you will need to register with Swissbilling SA, which offers this service. Once you are registered, you can simply use "Pay later" as a payment method for future purchases – whenever it is offered by the merchant.

Support for "Pay later"

If you have further questions regarding the “Pay later” service, see the Swissbilling SA's FAQ or contact them via email or at 058 226 10 50.