How do I filter the list of my account transactions in e-banking?

You can easily filter your account transactions in e-banking. Go to “Assets > Account > Transactions.”

The following filters are available:

  • Searching in the “Recipient/Originator” field allows you to view all of the payments for a particular originator/beneficiary. 
  • The “Selection” function allows you to choose between the booking or trade date. 
  • The “Sort” function allows you to specify whether you would like the amounts sorted in ascending or descending order.
  • “Period” allows you to filter out transactions within a specified period (for example, the last 30 days) or according to your own specifications.
  • “Booking amount” allows you to find particular transactions (exact amount or from/to) faster. 
  • The “Search for” function allows you to define even more filter criteria, for example by recipient or card number.

Click on “Apply” once you have defined all of the filter criteria.

Filtering account transactions

You can access the expanded view of account transactions by switching from “Reduced” to “Enhanced” under “Assets > Account > Transactions”. In this view, you can also select transactions based on the type of transaction, booking or business case.

Please note that switching to the “expanded” view wipes any information you may have entered, and you will have to make your selection again and confirm it with the “Apply” button.

Filtering account transactions