Fresh insight into what matters to you

UBS Investor Watch examines the issues you face

Throughout the year, we look closely at issues that affect how investors like you prepare for your future. The insights shape our advice and they can help you make better decisions about your wealth. Explore the findings below and check back regularly for new reports.

Latest report Setting a new course

Rethinking health and wealth in a post-COVID world

Previous reports  

Decisions, decisions

Investors uncertain about 2020 but optimistic about the decade ahead

Own your worth

Why women should take control of their wealth to achieve financial well-being

Return on values

Most sustainable investors expect better performance, bigger impact

The century club

The rising prospect of living ten decades

Who's the boss

Business ownership: Who's in, who's out and who's holding back

For love not money

When it comes to collecting, its passion over profit

Retiring old clichés

Bucking convention, retirees find happiness and seek growth

The ties that bind

How Boomers and their Millennial children are redefining family and finances

The conflicted investor

What rules...the head or the heart?

Unassisted living

Overcoming today’s long-term care challenges

Beyond the picket fence

Financial challenges of the modern American family

When is enough...enough?

Why the wealthy can’t get off the treadmill

Doing well at doing good

Why there’s more to giving than checkbook philanthropy

Begin before the end

Why families need to have inheritance conversations now

Think you know the Next Gen investor?

Think again

80 is the new 60

Retirement is one word, but three phases

Let’s talk

Make sure you’re headed in the right direction