UBS Separately Managed Accounts

UBS Separately Managed Accounts (SMAs) leverage the 35-year institutional investment discipline and process of UBS Asset Management (Americas) LLC. to meet the distinctive needs of high-net-worth investors.

UBS single strategy SMAs and Multi Asset Portfolios (MAPs) are available on the Access, SWP and MAC programs.

UBS SMAs are available to investors via UBS Wealth Management Financial Advisors. For more information, please contact your Financial Advisor.

Key characteristics

Single-strategy portfolios including leading Municipal Fixed Income and Sustainable Equity strategies.

Multi-Asset Portfolios across risk categories with a choice of investment styles, security selection, active or strategic asset allocation, and taxable or tax-exempt fixed income preference.

Year-round tax-aware trading.

Tax optimization at the individual account level via UBS Asset Management's Personalized Tax Management (PTM) Overlay - for select Multi-Asset Portfolios.

Direct ownership of securities with the flexibility to customize holdings.

The simplicity of one account.

A dedicated portfolio management and implementation team.

Relationship Summary For individual clients of UBS Asset Management (Americas) LLC.