The Journey to a 1.5 °C Scenario
Achieve your net zero objective with UBS ETFs
Presented by Willem Keogh & Anja Ludzuweit
Sustainable ETFs growth in recent years has been staggering, with UBS ETFs being at the forefront of the innovation in this segment of the market for more than 10 years. In recent years, we have witnessed a clear evolution with regards to climate change, the topic being now a major priority for our investors. To meet their demands, UBS has recently launched a full suite of MSCI Climate Paris Aligned ETFs which track the flagship indexes from MSCI, which not only meet, but exceed the minimum requirements for EU Paris-Aligned Benchmarks.
In this webinar, we give detailed information about the index construction and insights about the MSCI Climate Value-At-Risk and Climate Change Metrics methodologies.