Investing with investment funds is simple and pragmatic
If you want to invest simply and quickly, investment funds are for you. They are made up of a wide variety of assets – and thus broadly diversified. And funds are ideal for contributing to in smaller, but regular amounts.
The benefits of investment funds
The benefits of investment funds
- Assets in funds are broadly diversified, so in effect you are betting on multiple horses.
- Funds are extremely easy to trade, and fund shares can be purchased for very little money.
- There is a suitable investment fund for every personal investment strategy.
- It can also be sustainable: more and more funds are investing sustainably.
A pot of money for a very specific purpose
A pot of money for a very specific purpose
Simply put, a fund is a pot that you fill with money for a specific purpose. For example, an association may open a building fund to finance the construction of its new clubhouse.
The aim of an investment fund is to invest money for investors according to defined rules to generate a long-term increase in assets.
Invest assets as broadly as you wish
Invest assets as broadly as you wish
When it comes to investing, it's crucial you weigh the opportunities and risks and choose a strategy you feel comfortable with. This is where funds come in. They are the ideal solution: For every strategy there are suitable funds composed of different asset classes. Funds can include stocks, bonds, real estate and precious metals, to name just the main types.