UBS Investor Sentiment

On the lookout

Key findings

Inflation | Investors concerned about the value of their cash

Volatility | Investors remain optimistic due to things returning to normal and strong consumer demand

Opportunities | Investors interested in tech disruption and alternative investments (e.g., Private Markets)


Top source of optimism …

Top source of optimism

... and concern

Top source of concern

Market outlook

Brazilian investors still facing potential threats

Brazilian investors still facing potential threats

Brazilian investors‘ thoughts under the current environment

Most attractive investment themes

Attractive investment themes

Assets more likely to invest in

Assets more likely to invest in

Cash and equivalents

Brazilian investors reduce their cash allocations

Brazilian investors reduce their cash allocations

Business owners

Top investment strategies for the next 6 months ...

Top concerns

Investment priorities for business (next 6 months)

Brazilian business owners’ sentiment falls
Top concerns

About the survey

UBS surveyed 148 investors and 52 business owners in Brazil with at least $1M in investable assets (for investors) or at least $1M in annual revenue and at least one employee other than themselves (for business owners), from June 29 - July 18. For the 1Q22 results, UBS surveyed 150 investors and 50 business owners in Brazil, from March 30 - April 14.