Your future. Your goals. Advice for the life you lead

The Owen Meucci Wealth Management Group Kurt J. Owen, Devin R. Meucci, Kristin Dycus

The Owen Meucci Wealth Management Group






UBS Financial Services Inc.
925 4th Avenue
31st And 32nd Floors
Seattle, WA 98104

Our relationship forms the basis of all of our work together. We don't make decisions for you - we make them with you. We listen closely when you share your priorities and concerns. Our discussions help us provide guidance so that you can gain control, weigh your next steps and create the right course of action.

It all comes down to delivering advice that is relevant to your life and your financial goals.

“The more we know about you the better we can help you determine the best path for pursuing your goals. Understand your life, and priorities will help us make the right recommendations for you.”

Are we prepared to live longer in retirement?

How much can you safely withdraw from your retirement funds without risking depletion? Which accounts should you tap first? The longer you spend in retirement—and for some that may be 30 years or more—the greater the impact these decisions can have on your retirement lifestyle and the value of the estate you leave behind.

Taking your business to the next level

You’ve decided it’s time to expand your business. What steps should you take to reach that next level? From financial planning to funding strategies to helping you protect your personal assets, we have the right information, experience and advice to help you grow your business and your success.

Will my family be OK when I’m gone?

We have the resources and insight to address your legacy and estate planning needs so you can build a comprehensive plan for transitioning assets to future generations. If you’ve already crafted a plan, we’ll review it against your goals and an evolving tax landscape.*

Our focus on business transition and succession planning

We have the experience to help you with your future plans for your business—whether selling the business outright, taking some liquidity off the table, expanding the business or transferring it to the next generation. Proper planning can help avoid less favorable outcomes and unexpected consequences. Let us help you plan for your future of your business and family.


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