Investment advice

Strategic, disciplined and informed investment

Successful investment depends on three main factors: in-depth analysis of the opportunities and risks, a suitable investment strategy and a disciplined approach to implementing it.

What it takes to invest successfully

In-depth analysis

Market opportunities and risks must be assessed objectively.

A tailored strategy

Your portfolio must follow the investment strategy agreed with you.

Discipline and consistency

Your strategy must be consistently followed, monitored and adjusted for market events.

Structured consulting approach: UBS Wealth Way

Our proven consulting approach links your current life situation to your short- and long-term goals. Wealth planning comprises three key strategies: liquidity, longevity and legacy.

Liquidity: To help provide cash flow for short-term expenses
Longevity: For longer-term needs
Legacy: For needs that go beyond your own

Further tools and resources

Financial Personality Test

To find the right investment strategy, it is important that you assess your own risk appetite correctly. Our Financial Personality Test will help you.

Investor profile

Our advice is based on a comprehensive understanding of your situation. Together we draw up an investor profile, which can be understood as a shared agreement on your objectives.

Sustainable Investing

Sustainable investing takes environmental, social and business-ethical factors into account.

Because a personal conversation is worth a lot

What can we do for you? We’re happy to address your concerns directly. You can contact us in the following ways: